Legal notice

German Language Academy – Deutsche Sprachenakademie

Bahnhofstraße 3
48143 Münster
Phone: +49(0)251 270768-0
Fax: +49(0)251 270768-66

The German Language Academy – Deutsche Sprachenakademie is a department of the Bildungsinstitut Münster e.V. (BIMS), to which it is legally affiliated.


Bildungsinstitut Münster e.V.

Anton-Bruchausen-Str. 6
48147 Münster
Phone: +49 (0)251 8995-0
Fax: +49 (0)251 8995-111

The Bildungsinstitut Münster e. V. is entered in the register of associations held by the Münster district court under the register number VR 2524 (13.09.1982).

Member of directors: Ulrich Hoppe (chairman), Hubertus Pliester, Wolfgang Theis
General manager: Reinhild Kautzsch


Head office

Anton-Bruchausen-Str. 6
48147 Münster
Phone: +49 (0)251 8995-0
Fax: +49 (0)251 8995-111


Design and programming

tm-itsystem it-solutions







Photograph references:

Prinzipalmarkt Photo: Münster press office Tilman Roßmöller
Prinzipalmarkt Photo: Münster press office Angelika Klauser
Lock Photo: Münster press office MünsterView
Roggenmarkt Photo: Münster press office Joachim Busch
Bicycles in front of the Prinzipalmarkt-Giebel Photo: Münster press office Michael Hörnschemeyer
Cyclists at rush hour Photo: Münster press office Angelika Klauser
Hülshoff castle Photo: Münster press office
City fountains Photo: Münster press office
Farmer’s market Photo: Münster press office Angelika Klauser
Pier at the Aasee lake Photo: Münster press office
Aasee lake meeting point Photo: Münster press office Angelika Klauser
Cavete Photo: Münster press office
Cityscape Photo: Münster press office
Cityscape Photo: Münster press office Tilman Roßmöller
Paulusdom Photo: Münster press office Angelika Klauser
St. Paul’s cathedral Photo: Münster press office Angelika Klauser
Promenade Photo: Münster press office
University Photo: Münster press office Joachim Busch
International university town Photo: Münster press office
The university town of Münster Photo: Münster press office
Eurocityfest Photo: Münster press office Joachim Busch
Aasee lake Photo: Münster press office Tilman Roßmöller
Giant Pool Balls Photo: Münster press office
Stadthafen Photo: Münster press office Angelika Klauser
City theatre Photo: Münster press office
All weather zoo Photo: Münster press office Tilman Roßmöller
City theatre Photo: Münster press office MünsterView
happy group of friends smiling… Andresr
student and teacher looking smiling… Andresr
group of young students preparing for exam Yuri Arcurs
Bahnhofstraße Münster (nr. 316595) Bilderbuch Münster, abracus GmbH Götz Spriewald


Photos – #86496184 | Urheber: rosliothman (Welcome phrase in different languages. Words cloud concept. Multilingual.)