German A2

The german course A2 is geared towards students with prior knowledge of German to level A1. It deals with key topics from day-to-day life, such as health, orientation in the town and shopping, and in doing so builds upon basic grammatical knowledge.

You learn to hold simple conversations and to arrange meetings, for example. You deepen your reading skills using authentic texts (newspaper articles, reports, advertisements etc.)and practise writing informal letters. With the help of listening exercises, you learn to understand spoken German, including in longer discussions.

Durationapprox. 150 hours of lessons
Number of participantsmax. 20 people
Previous knowledgeA1
Lesson timesmonday - friday
08:15 - 11:30 am or 12:00 - 03:15 pm
Lesson venue48143 Münster, Bahnhofstraße 3