Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I register?
As soon as you have decided that you would like to participate in a course, you have to visit us in person. Any registrations made over the telephone are not possible.

Will I receive confirmation of the registration?
We do not normally issue any registration confirmations. However, please inform us if you would like to receive a written confirmation. We will then confirm your registration in writing.

Do I need to pay the course fee when I register?
Yes, the course fee must be paid straight away. This is the only way to reserve a place on a course.

Will you inform me when I have paid the course fee?
We do not normally send out any confirmation when we receive the course fee. However, if you would like to receive written confirmation, please let us know when you register and we will inform you when we have received the money.

Do I need to register for the entire course straight away?
You can pay for a course which comprises several modules either in full or module-by-module. In the latter case, you only pay for one module at first, and then extend your registration if you wish to continue learning. Please note, however, that written confirmation of the registration will only be provided for the period for which you have paid.

How can I pay?
You can pay the course fee by bank transfer or in person/through a contact person at our office.

How long is a single lesson?
A lesson lasts 45 minutes.

When do the lessons take place?
The lessons take place each day from 8:15 to 11:30 am or from 12 noon to 3:15 pm. Those booking a course with 30 hours of lessons per week will have lessons from 8:15 am to 1:30 pm. Private lessons are arranged individually.

Where do the lessons take place?
The lessons take place at our premises at Bahnhofstraße 3, Bahnhofstraße 5 or Hafenstraße 29.

Can I complete an official examination?
Yes, we offer the following examinations:

  • German B1 and B2
  • German test for immigrants
  • TestDaF

Please click here to view examination information.

Are there holidays?
There are no holidays during the year. There are, however, no lessons on public holidays and between the 24th December and 1st January.

Can I take a break from a course if I want to go on holiday?
You can, of course, go on holiday. However, we are unable to refund the course fees for the period that you miss due to holidays. In addition, there is a risk that a change of course will be necessary due to the missed learning content.

How do I find the right language course for me?
Before beginning the course, take part in a grading test. This will allow us to work out which course would best suit your language proficiency.

Are there computers at the Language Academy?
There are several computers with Internet access, which participants in our courses can use free of charge.

WHow many people are learning German at the German Language Academy and which countries are they from?
Each month, over 600 people learn German at different levels at the German Language Academy. Most of these students are between 18 and 25 years old, but there are also lots of older participants. The minimum age is 16. People from a total of 30 countries are learning German with us.

Where is Münster?
Münster is situated in West Germany, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The closest internationally renowned city is Cologne. Cologne is approximately 170 km south of Münster.

How do you travel to Münster?
If arriving by car, Münster is situated on the A1, between Dortmund and Bremen. Münster can also be easily reached by train (Münster/Westfalen Hbf.) and has an international airport (see Münster/Osnabrück Airport). You can also fly to Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Cologne or Frankfurt, and travel on to Münster by train.

How do I find the German Language Academy once I am in Münster?
The German Language Academy is situated in the centre of town, right by the main train station.

Do you have any further questions?
Then write to us (info@german-language-academy.com), send us a fax (+49-251-27076866) or call us on (+49-251-2707680)!

Registration and payment

How do I register?
As soon as you have decided that you would like to participate in a course, you have to visit us in person. Any registrations made over the telephone are not possible.

Will I receive confirmation of the registration?
We do not normally issue any registration confirmations. However, please inform us if you would like to receive a written confirmation. We will then confirm your registration in writing.

Do I need to pay the course fee when I register?
Yes, the course fee must be paid straight away. This is the only way to reserve a place on a course.

Will you inform me when I have paid the course fee?
We do not normally send out any confirmation when we receive the course fee. However, if you would like to receive written confirmation, please let us know when you register and we will inform you when we have received the money.

Do I need to register for the entire course straight away?
You can pay for a course which comprises several modules either in full or module-by-module. In the latter case, you only pay for one module at first, and then extend your registration if you wish to continue learning. Please note, however, that written confirmation of the registration will only be provided for the period for which you have paid.

How can I pay?
You can pay the course fee by bank transfer or in person/through a contact person at our office.

Lessons and programme

How long is a single lesson?
A lesson lasts 45 minutes.

When do the lessons take place?
The lessons take place each day from 8:15 to 11:30 am or from 12 noon to 3:15 pm. Those booking a course with 30 hours of lessons per week will have lessons from 8:15 am to 1:30 pm. Private lessons are arranged individually.

Where do the lessons take place?
The lessons take place at our premises at Bahnhofstraße 3, Bahnhofstraße 5 or Hafenstraße 29.

Can I complete an official examination?
Yes, we offer the following examinations:

  • German B1 and B2
  • German test for immigrants
  • TestDaF

Please click here to view examination information.

Are there holidays?
There are no holidays during the year. There are, however, no lessons on public holidays and between the 24th December and 1st January.

Can I take a break from a course if I want to go on holiday?
You can, of course, go on holiday. However, we are unable to refund the course fees for the period that you miss due to holidays. In addition, there is a risk that a change of course will be necessary due to the missed learning content.

How do I find the right language course for me?
Before beginning the course, take part in a grading test. This will allow us to work out which course would best suit your language proficiency.

Are there computers at the Language Academy?
There are several computers with Internet access, which participants in our courses can use free of charge.

WHow many people are learning German at the German Language Academy and which countries are they from?
Each month, over 600 people learn German at different levels at the German Language Academy. Most of these students are between 18 and 25 years old, but there are also lots of older participants. The minimum age is 16. People from a total of 30 countries are learning German with us.


Where is Münster?
Münster is situated in West Germany, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The closest internationally renowned city is Cologne. Cologne is approximately 170 km south of Münster.

How do you travel to Münster?
If arriving by car, Münster is situated on the A1, between Dortmund and Bremen. Münster can also be easily reached by train (Münster/Westfalen Hbf.) and has an international airport (see Münster/Osnabrück Airport). You can also fly to Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Cologne or Frankfurt, and travel on to Münster by train.

How do I find the German Language Academy once I am in Münster?
The German Language Academy is situated in the centre of town, right by the main train station.

Do you have any further questions?
Then write to us (info@german-language-academy.com), send us a fax (+49-251-27076866) or call us on (+49-251-2707680)!